Donate to AGBU Camp Nubar

By giving to Camp Nubar you are supporting the next generation of campers and counselors as they learn and grow with our community.  A gift of any amount ensures that we are able to offer top quality programming in a pristine setting supported by state-of-the-art facilities and caring staff. Most importantly, it also allows us to offer an inclusive environment for all who wish to participate in our program. 

Honor a Loved One

For those who would like to establish a fund to honor a family member, please email to establish a personalized online page. 

Giving Tree

Donation Tree

Donation Tree

Our newly installed donor tree adorns the outside walkway to the Nazarian Center for all to see. For donations of $1,000 or more, you will be able to add names to our Camp Nubar Tree for all to see. 

          Copper Leaf - $1,000-$2,499

          Aluminum Leaf - $2,500-$4,999

          Brass Leaf - $5,000-$9,999

          Foundational Rock/Dove* - $10,000+

                        *Doves are designated in memory of loved ones.



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Contribution Amount

Donor Information

Use this space for any notes or comments, and to indicate the name to be included in our Giving Tree for donations of $1000 and up.

To find out if your employer has a corporate matching gift program, click here

AGBU is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. TIN # 13-5600421. Your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

AGBU respects your privacy. The data included above is maintained in compliance with international privacy standards (including GDPR) and used to communicate with you about our events, programs and news. To manage your AGBU subscription, email For more information, please read our Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions.